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Battery ready

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If you are looking for a high-quality solar energy storage system, the ones offered by the Huawei brand are the perfect solution. Huawei LUNA is an excellent solar energy storage system that can be easily paired with a Huawei inverter. 

The system is fully modular. The user can expand it during operation according to the energy needs of the company or household. If energy demand increases, the user can add a storage module to the Huawei LUNA system to increase its capacity. 

With a capacity of 5-15 kW, Huawei LUNA energy storage is adequately equipped in terms of expandability for any household needs. In addition, Huawei LUNA energy storage's depth of discharge of 100% ensures maximum utilization of solar energy. 

The Huawei FusionSolar app gives the user the ability to easily monitor the power, and thus fully control both the storage and the entire photovoltaic installation.


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