Cookies Policy

The following Cookies Policy defines the rules for storing and accessing data on the Devices of Users using the Website for the purpose of providing electronic services by the Website Administrator.

§ 1 Definitions

Service - the website operating at

External Service - the websites of the Administrator's partners, service providers or customers

Administrator - the company Eco-Asset s.r.o., conducting business at the address: Landererova 8, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia, with assigned tax identification number IČO: 54403596, DIČ:2121657186, IČ DPH: SK2121657186, providing services electronically through the Service and storing and accessing information in User's devices.

User - a natural person for whom the Administrator provides services electronically through the Service.

Device - an electronic device with software, through which the User gains access to the Website.

Cookies - text data collected in the form of files placed on the User's Device.

§ 2 Types of Cookies

Internal cookies - files placed and read from the User's Device by the Service's data communications system.

External cookies - files placed and read from User Device by IT systems of external Services.

Session cookies - files placed and read from the User Device by the Service or external Services during a single session of the Device. When the session ends, the files are deleted from the User Device.

Persistent cookies - files placed and read from the User Device by the Website or External Services until they are manually deleted. The files are not deleted automatically after the end of the Device session unless the configuration of the User Device is set to delete cookies after the end of the Device session.

§ 3 Security

Storage and Reading Mechanisms - The storage and reading mechanisms of Cookies do not allow any personal data or any confidential information to be retrieved from the User Device. Transfer of viruses, Trojan horses and other worms to the User Device is practically impossible.

Internal cookies - the internal cookies used by the Administrator are safe for User Devices.

External cookies - the Administrator is not responsible for the safety of cookies from the Website's partners. The list of partners is provided later in the Cookie Policy.

§ 4 Purposes for which cookies are used

Improving and facilitating access to the Website - the Administrator may store information about the user's preferences and settings regarding the Website in cookies in order to improve, enhance and expedite the provision of services on the Website.

Logging - the Administrator uses cookies to log Users into the Website.

Statistical data - the Administrator and external Services use Cookie files to collect and process statistical data such as e.g. visit statistics, statistics of User's Devices or statistics of User's behavior. These data are collected in order to analyze and improve the Website.

Serving multimedia services - the Administrator and External Services use cookies to serve multimedia services to Users.

Social services - Administrator and External Services use Cookies to support social services.

§ 5 External Services

The Administrator cooperates with the following External Services that may place Cookies on User Devices:





§ 6 Possibilities of defining the conditions for storing and accessing data on the User's Devices by the Website and External Services.

The User may, at any time, independently change the settings for storing, deleting and accessing the data of stored Cookies.

The User may, at any time, delete any Cookie files stored to date using the tools of the User's Device through which the User accesses the services of the Website.

§ 7 Disclaimer

The Administrator uses all possible measures to ensure the security of the data placed in cookies. However, it should be noted that ensuring the security of this data depends on both parties, including the activities of the User and the security satn of the device he uses.

The Administrator is not responsible for interception of the data contained in the Cookie files, impersonation of the User's session or their deletion, as a result of conscious or unconscious activity of the User, viruses, Trojan horses and other spyware with which the User's Device may be infected.

Users, in order to protect themselves from the risks indicated in the preceding paragraph, should follow the guidelines related to cyber security.

Services provided by third parties are beyond the control of the Administrator. These entities may change their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies at any time. The Administrator is not responsible, as far as the law allows, for the operation of cookies used by partner services. Users can manage the permissions and settings of cookies for any site at any time on their own.

§ 8 Website Requirements

Restricting the storage of and access to cookies on the User's Device may result in the malfunction of some features of the Website.

The Administrator shall not be held liable for malfunctioning functions of the Website if the User restricts in any way the ability to save and read Cookies.

§ 9 Changes in Cookie Policy

The Administrator reserves the right to change this Cookie Policy at any time without notifying the Users.

The introduced changes to the Cookie Policy will always be published on this website.